Derrik Eichelberger, ASLA

Derrik is a founding principal of Arcadia Studio and has practiced as a landscape professional since 1986. His experience as a designer has been cultivated by work on a wide range of projects throughout Southern California and the West. Trained first as an historian before receiving his Masters degree in Landscape Architecture, Derrik maintains an ongoing sense of man's historical connection to the land which informs much of his design work.

His expertise as a landscape architect is expressed most passionately through his work with historic restoration, modern and contemporary design, exotic plant materials, and water features. His knowledge of historic garden styles has served him well on a number of historically significant projects originally designed by George Washington Smith, Carlton Winslow, Bertram Goodhue, Pierre Koenig, and Lockwood de Forest Jr. He is currently involved on a restoration of the Japanese Garden at Lotusland in Montecito.
805.962.9055 X 22